Archive for the 'Business' Category
Television and the long tail
[via The Long Tail]
The Television Revolution is at the Gates
This article is over a year old and still seems precient. We’re starting to see Indy filmmakers try to raise money this way, but they don’t have the dedicated audience that someone like Joss Whedon or Aaron Sorkin does. If someone at that level decided to go audience funded, they could kick start a whole new industry…
1 – Independent Movie Distribution
I’m embarassed that I didn’t point these guys out before. A nice way to get some more notice for your short-form video products: – Independent Movie Distribution.
As with any site like this, better read their agreement before giving it the ok. In general, their heart seems to be in the right place, but you are basically signing away all rights to your film for free. That means that if they make a zillion bucks off of it, you get zero. At least, their rights are non-exclusive and are simply cancellable (unlike many other sites). Also, they are a non-profit according to them. As I said, they have their hearts in the right place, and I have only heard good things about them.
No commentsnew outlet / social networking for video artists
Your Gallery – Show your art to the world
It’s kind of a cool idea/major risk for a real-world very prestigious art gallery to open up its website to all artists, un-juried. It is also very cool and a major risk to have a video section on that site. For the moment, there is a chance for video artists to network and share their world. Get on it before it gets sued out of existence or canceled due to insane bandwidth costs…
No commentsiTunes sales collapsing | The Register
iTunes sales collapsing | The Register
I’m calling these numbers into question until I get some more details. It seems pretty counter-intuitive that with Apple selling a million iPods a month (or whatever) and with them introducing movies and such recently that their sales could possibly be falling. I could understand that songs-sold-per-user as an average could be dropping. That might even make a sort of sense, but overall sales? I don’t know about this. It also seems to be counter to my own direct experience where my label revenues from digital downloads (mostly driven by iTunes) are increasing month-to-month, not decreasing.
No commentsThis Week In Media – Episode 31: 18 Percent Grey
This is a great podcast for digital filmmakers. I particularly liked this week’s episode. They gave their insight into why Apple bought Proximity. Their take was that Apple was looking to counter Avid and Avid’s integration with digital asset management solutions. They also had a great discussion around micro cinemas and social bookmarking of video clips which gave me two great ideas for start-ups. I probably won’t do either of them, but it is nice to be inspired anyway.
No commentsproximity bought by Apple
This is weird. I’m not sure what Apple is buying. They already have a pretty good single-user DAM story. The market for the workgroup and workflow stuff is pretty tiny. The videoripper isn’t worth purchasing a company for.
What is Apple going after?
No commentsSites that Pay for Web Video: From CinemaTech
Sites that Pay for Web Video: From CinemaTech
I’m always interested in finding ways to figure out how to monetize content, this is a great resource.
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