Some flashy goodness for your Tuesday morning
I realized that I hadn’t looked at Flash Insider in quite a while. So, I stopped by only to find out that it had shut down! Anyways, it reminded me of some stuff that I’d been meaning to post anyways…
Cromm Cruac is a portfolio site with some really nice Flash work, the interface is a bit challenging, but really rich.
Hoss Gifford doesn’t want Flash authors to use their own scrollbars while there exist just fine ones in the browser. I agree with him to the extent that if you are doing a text-heavy html-like site doing a non-standard scrollbar is dumb. Then again, if you are doing a site like that, why do it in Flash anyway?
If you haven’t checked out the swfObject before, you should. It is very useful for all your embedding needs.
Finally, Daniel Tietze tell you how to make your own uTube.
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