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Archive for January, 2007

Some flashy goodness for your Tuesday morning

I realized that I hadn’t looked at Flash Insider in quite a while. So, I stopped by only to find out that it had shut down! Anyways, it reminded me of some stuff that I’d been meaning to post anyways…

Cromm Cruac DesignCromm Cruac is a portfolio site with some really nice Flash work, the interface is a bit challenging, but really rich.

Hoss Gifford doesn’t want Flash authors to use their own scrollbars while there exist just fine ones in the browser. I agree with him to the extent that if you are doing a text-heavy html-like site doing a non-standard scrollbar is dumb. Then again, if you are doing a site like that, why do it in Flash anyway?

If you haven’t checked out the swfObject before, you should. It is very useful for all your embedding needs.

Finally, Daniel Tietze tell you how to make your own uTube.

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CNET tours ILM and posts the videos

Digital effects in Pirates of the Caribbean III | CNET

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Zoom halves the H4 in a good way

Zoom H2 photo

This is interesting, and I hadn’t seen it in any of the NAMM coverage until today. Zoom unveiled (without a press release it seems) a new solid-state stereo recorder during NAMM. It looks like a pretty simple, direct recorder with one nice feature: multiple microphone capsules with different patterns. It also has an external (I’m guessing 1/8″) microphone input with 5V power. While it doesn’t have the bells and whistles of some of the other portable recorders (XLR and Phantom power would be nice), it also doesn’t have some of the same unnessary crap either (an amp simulator?). The $199 price tag is perfect. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen a photo which gives some perspective on the actual size yet. If the A/D and quality of recording is as good as that of the H4, this might be really compelling.

If it is the right size, this may even work out better than the iTalkPro or MicroMemo that I was considering for on-the-go and spontaneous field recording…

Create Digital Music » Recording@NAMM: Zoom’s $199 USB H2 Mobile Mic/Recorder, Found in the Wild

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Luxeed Keyboard

Luxeed KeyboardCreate Digital Motion » Luxeed Keyboard with Interactive Lighting: Perfect Gigging QWERTY?

Those using Live for doing live audio or similar programs for video (or gamers) are in a constant hunt for the perfect keyboard companion to their exploits. Also, video editors, audio editors and anyone who spends multiple hours of the day in an application with a zillion keyboard shortcuts.

The Optimus keyboard has been long in coming, but was the great hope. If this keyboard actually ships in a reasonable period of time, could it be a realistic option? It looks like it has a multi-color LED under each key, which allows you to set the color of each key separately. That isn’t the same thing as actually having a picture or word on each key, but it can at least remind you that jkl is for your transport and [] is for your begin and end clip by having them be different colors.

also, it looks cool.

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Modbook Review: a true mac tablet?

Macworld: First Look: First Look: ModBook

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Sharp’s 4k x 2k 64-inch ultra high res monitor

Put 1080p to shame. At the normal wall-to-couch distance, it probably won’t make much difference. For monitoring and checking footage, it could be amazing. Also, you now that now the television companies have got you on the same wagon as the computer and cell phone companies that the minute 1080p is as common as NTSC is now, that we’ll already have 8k TVs, right?

Sharp’s 4k x 2k 64-inch ultra high res monitor – Engadget

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Best of NAMM

So, MacWorld and CES were (iPhone and 108″ Plasmas aside) boring. NAMM didn’t have any major surprises. Here’s the stuff I found most interesting…

Apogee Electronics: Symphony, 32-channel PCI Card for the MacIntosh

Moog Freak Box, New Moogerfooger FreqBox model is in an effect category of its own

Novation announce Automap Universal for SL Series

Arturia Introduces Origin, their first hardware synth

Universal Audio introduces the UAD-XPander

korg’s new mini Kaoss PadMy Favorite!

Korg introduces the Zero4 and Zero8 Performance Mixer.

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Onyx VJ – Flash based VJ Mixer

Onyx 3.0 screenshot
More flashy-flash-flash for a snowy day in Seattle.

Onyx VJ – Flash based VJ Mixer

Check out the online demo, it is very fun. Plus bonus is that he is providing the source code which is just fabulous for learning some advanced flash stuff. Daniel Hai is my new hero.

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Really fun and cool flash site

I got this off of John Nack’s blog It is just a little site that lets you draw a picture and then does some slick animating of it in 3D in flash. It was done by Masayuki Kido, who is a pretty awesome flash programmer.

The above is just something simple that I drew in his PicTaps flash page.

Also, how smart is that! Making it easy to imbed your drawing onto your own blog. A page outta youtube’s book.

Also, if you think the above is fun check out his Missing Link Toy, very nicely done.

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JVC HD Everio: HD to hard disk under $2K

JVC HD Everio: Full Consumer HD? – Gizmodo

It’s full HD, but unfortunately not progressive; with a 60 GB hard drive. This is an awesome step. I don’t know if it will be the camera for me (I’m waiting for 1080p and a non-sucky MPEG2 implementation), but it definitely means that we could expect much better in the near future.

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