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Archive for December, 2006

extensive resource list for motion graphics // Forum / General / Motion help list

I like it when other sites create exhaustive lists of cool resources and then promise to keep those lists up to date. Saves me A LOT of time. It is mostly focused on After Effects, but that is the tool of choice for most of us. Works out just fine.

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nice article on photographing waterfalls

» Waterfall Digital Photography

One thing that is getting lost as people have a digital camera is their first camera is the interaction between f/Stop, aperature, etc… I like this article because it is straightforward and readable, but also because it gives some simple explanations of some fairly complicated things, and of course you could extend the suggestions into any motion-blurred photography.

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nice cross-platform script to do backround rendering for After Effects

(via CreateDigitalMotion)

AE ENHANCERS :: View topic – BG Renderer

This shows some good and bad things about AE. First of all, it is cool that someone could write a little script that could do something as nifty as this and that the app is extensible enough to make that happen. Secondly, it sure would be nice to have the app take more advantage of the available processor resources in newer machines.

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Kewl Gear Contest from NoiseFX

For those who ever doubted that music gear porn wasn’t a serious addiction…

Kewl Gear Contest from NoiseFX

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iTunes sales collapsing | The Register

iTunes sales collapsing | The Register

I’m calling these numbers into question until I get some more details. It seems pretty counter-intuitive that with Apple selling a million iPods a month (or whatever) and with them introducing movies and such recently that their sales could possibly be falling. I could understand that songs-sold-per-user as an average could be dropping. That might even make a sort of sense, but overall sales? I don’t know about this. It also seems to be counter to my own direct experience where my label revenues from digital downloads (mostly driven by iTunes) are increasing month-to-month, not decreasing.

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quite-good on-line experimental video art exhibition

Expanded Cinema is a nice curated collection of experimental or innovative short films that are being hosted round the net. What I like about it is that it is short in scope: 18 days, 18 films, handpicked. It was a manageable project and a quick and delightful watch.

(via Create Digital Motion)

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This Week In Media – Episode 31: 18 Percent Grey

This is a great podcast for digital filmmakers. I particularly liked this week’s episode. They gave their insight into why Apple bought Proximity. Their take was that Apple was looking to counter Avid and Avid’s integration with digital asset management solutions. They also had a great discussion around micro cinemas and social bookmarking of video clips which gave me two great ideas for start-ups. I probably won’t do either of them, but it is nice to be inspired anyway.

This Week In Media

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Load o’ Links

APE – An actionscript physics engine
Search Free Fonts – non-sucky free/pay font site
A set of free icons useful for your flash or web apps
Fonts for flash, pixel fonts

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Does this genre have a name yet?

In the spirit of of the Shining Preview Remix, Chris Rule has remixed Mary Poppins into a horror movie trailer. I love these exercises, not only because they are funny, but also because they show the power of editing and soundtrack. This kind of thing would be a great project for a budding filmmaker.

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proximity bought by Apple

This is weird. I’m not sure what Apple is buying. They already have a pretty good single-user DAM story. The market for the workgroup and workflow stuff is pretty tiny. The videoripper isn’t worth purchasing a company for.

What is Apple going after?


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