Archive for October, 2005
Finally, IPod as field recorder?
* Low (22.05 KHz, mono)
* High (44.1 KHz, stereo)
Belated AES roundup
Sony’s PCM-D1 field recorder: Kudos for the swank microphones, titanium shell and sweet specs. $2000 retail isn’t crazy for something like this, but it does mean that most field recordists won’t be buying it anytime soon. Here is what MusicThing thinks
Guitar Rig V2: Bass cabs and mics FINALLY, but just a single Ampeg head modeled? Add a Sunn, SWR and GK head or two and I’ll buy it right now.
ProjectMix I/O: sweet. If I was just starting out buying equipment, this would be my first purchase. If they come out with a ProjectMix (without the I/O) I might finally replace my PC 1600 X
Novation ReMOTE SL: I didn’t see this covered anywhere but on createdigitalmusic which is weird, ’cause this thing looks awesome. Not sure if it will replace the X-Station at the top of my gear lust pile, but it if it is affordable, I might actually buy it instead of just lusting after it.
CDM also has a nice shootout between Amplitube and Guitar Rig, but I’d also like to see how TonePort compares as well.
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