Archive for the 'Design' Category
‘nother nice font site
I have to admit it, I’m a sucker for a free font site. Even though I’ve used three or four fonts exclusively for the last 20 years. I’m always tempted by the fantasy of how I could use a new typeface. As font sites go, this one has a pretty decent ui and is reasonably fun to gawk around on.
No comments‘nother cool color tool
A tool that will let you upload a picture and then it will figure out the dominat colors and given you them so that you can design around it. Very useful!
No commentsspeaking of after effects and typeography
I’ve been thinking of the jumpy text thing that everyone was doing for a while. So, a few minutes with the wiggler and some animation presets later and…
No commentstypography links
courtesy of John Nack
Type is a critical part of digital media, and it is important for motion designers to have an understanding, here’s some links to check out:
The Type For You Blog
15 tips to choose a good text type
Pinups done with type